Tag Archive: quotes

A haiku for National Poetry day: Light

ease the burden of darkness
beaming light relief

“We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.” Plato


“Manchester, the belly and guts of the nation.” George Orwell. Apparently, in Manchester they do not get hung up over which is England’s second city – Birmingham and London can sort it our among themselves!

Well, I don’t know about that. I do know that we had a pleasant few days in Manchester city – and, yes, it did rain, but not too much. We stayed in the Youth Hostel which is a stone’s throw from the Museum of Science and Industry and one day we went to Media City UK by tram. Highlights for us included the world’s oldest “intercity” passenger station, namely Liverpool Road which is situated in the MOSI. You may know that the first regular passenger service ran between Manchester and Liverpool on that line from 1830 to 1844.

We also made a point of visiting the “Blue Peter” garden which is next to the tram station at Media City. Children of a certain age and fans of “Blue Peter” would understand. It was interesting enough but smaller than we imagined. Worth a look if you are passing through – we were en route to the Imperial War Museum North which is several minutes’ walk away.

The architecture of the IWM (North) is worth a mention. It looks, at first glance, a bit disjointed or haphazard. It turns out that the architect took inspiration from imagining a shattered globe and taking some of the pieces to make the building. The sense of war belonging to a broken world is written into the very shape of the museum. Meanwhile the inside tells some of the history of war and conflict as it has been experienced particularly during the 20th and early 21st centuries. If you are looking for details of military campaigns and scores of maps you will find those few and far between. This museum does not celebrate military victories as such; it is more of a social history where issues of justice and of peace collide. Among the items to note are the cross and the twisted girders from among the ruins of the Twin Towers of New York.

We did visit the Lowry Gallery during our wander round the quaysides but it was being refurbished and few pictures were on display. Perhaps we’ll get a better view another time.

A mention should be made of the Bollywood Masala restaurant near Deansgate. I enjoyed probably the nicest chicken korma I have had for a long time and the crispiest “family naan” ever.

Deus Meus et Omnia

The Franciscan motto: “My God – and all things.”

“‘Spirituality’, in itself and apart from others, without service and concrete love, often leads people to immense ego inflation and delusion”

“The great irony of faith is that authentic God experience does indeed make you know you are quite special, favourite, and chosen – but you realise others are too!” Richard Rohr

“Eager to Love. The Alternative Way of Francis of Assisi,” by Richard Rohr, p14

Sacred places?

“There are not sacred and profane things, places, and moments. There are only sacred and desecrated things, places, and moments – and it is we alone who desecrate them by our blindness and lack of reverence.” Richard Rohr from “Eager to Love. The Alternative Way of Francis of Assisi, p 6.

… an observation made by Sir Edward Grey as from his office window he watched  the lamp-lighters at work in the street below on  3rd of August 1914, the day before Britain declared war on Germany.

Sir Edward Grey (1862-1933) was the longest-serving Foreign Secretary in a British Cabinet (1905-1816).

Easter Day, 2014

We are an Easter People and “Alleluia!” is our song. (Augustine of Hippo)

A prayer from “Common Worship”

Lord of all life and power, through the mighty resurrection of your Son you overcame the old order of sin and death to make all things new in him. Grant that we, being dead to sin and alive to you in Jesus Christ, may reign with him in glory; to whom with you and the Holy Spirit be praise and honour, glory and might, now and in all eternity. Amen. (Collect for Easter Day)

Fourth Sunday in Lent, 2014

I prefer to cut children’s spiritual garments a little large, for them to grow into, as they will in time. And who knows what vivid image or hint of the beauty of God may remain in their mind and memory? (Dorothy Coddington)

A prayer from “Common Worship”

Lord God, your blessed Son our Saviour gave his back to the smiters and did not hide his face from shame. Give us grace to endure the sufferings of this present time with sure confidence in the glory that shall be revealed; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. (Post Communion Prayer, Lent 4)

Third Sunday in Lent, 2014

I thank you, my God, for having in a thousand different ways led my eyes to discover the immense simplicity of things. (Pierre Teilhard de Chardin)

A prayer from “Common Worship”

Merciful Lord, grant your people grace to withstand the temptations of the world, the flesh and the devil, and with pure hearts and minds to follow you, the only God through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. (Post Communion Prayer, Lent 3)

Second Sunday in Lent, 2014

Pray for peace and grace and spiritual food; for wisdom and guidance, for all these are good; but don’t forget the potatoes. (J. T. Pettee)

A prayer from “Common Worship”

Almighty God, you see that we have no power of ourselves to help ourselves. Keep us both outwardly in our bodies, and inwardly in our souls; that we may be defended from all adversities which may happen to the body, and from all evil thoughts which may assault and hurt the soul; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. (Post Communion Prayer, Lent 2)

First Sunday in Lent, 2014

We must remember the original meaning of Lent which is the ver sacrum, the church’s “holy Spring” in which the catechumens were prepared for their baptism, and public penitents were made ready by penance for their restoration to the sacramental life in communion with the rest of the church. Lent is then not a season of punishment so much as one of healing. (Thomas Merton)

A Prayer from “Common Worship”

Almighty God, your Son Jesus Christ fasted forty days in the wilderness, and was tempted as we are, yet without sin. Give us grace to discipline ourselves in obedience to your Spirit; and, as you know our weakness, so may we know your power to save; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord. Amen. (Collect for Lent 1)